Sacred Symbols


The Jackal is the most obvious symbol of Anubis. The Jackal was often found near the sacred burial sites and this may well be how the connection was originally made. Perhaps this is also due to the Loyalty of most canines to their human partners, even after the persons demise. We can look into several of the Underworld myths of other cultures and often find a jackal, dog, or wolf as one of the main guardians to the Underworld, such as Cerberus and Fenris. In India, Shiva's death aspect also appears as a jackal. Dogs and their brethren are often associated with one or another face of the Goddess, usually in her Receiver of the Dead or Huntress aspects.

The Number Nine is perhaps the single digit number most closely tied to Anubis. Anubis could see into the myriad possible futures and pasts. In this aspect he is much like Janus the two-faced God. In the aspect of time, the number 9 is sacred to Anubis, and represents the infinite self-perpetuation of time and therefore Anubis, himself. This is demonstrated by multiplying the number 9 by any other number. When you add the digits of the product you will find the 9 in its infinite mystery.

Green Feldspar amulets of Anubis have been found on mummified remains. I'm currently looking for further information on this and the qualities of Feldspar.

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Temple of Anubis


last updated 2/25/2000
© Ron Wolfe